A New Favorite Sweater

A few months back I bought a great cardigan towards the end of the summer and it has become a favorite of mine. It is considered a boyfriend style cardigan, similar to the old style varsity sweaters of the 1950s. I love the color and the style and fit. It is a bold color statement and just a easy choice for an outfit, It can be worn with jeans or leggings. I got this fine little sweater at target!!!

Jeans: JcPenney, Sweater: Target, Shoes: Bohme, Belt: Forever 21


When you are a small girl, the longer sweaters can make you look out of proportion but you can still pull them off. It helps to define your waist like I did with my belt and to make sure they aren’t too long. If a sweater is too long I wear it as a tunic with leggings to tights.

Have a good week!

Time For Sweaters?

Okay, that may be jumping the gun a little, but at least in my neck of the woods, things have definitely cooled down. But it might not be time for full on winter gear. I think of this is the time of year for light-weight sweaters, cardigans, skirts with tights and maybe pumps instead of boots.

This outfit is a great transition into fall. Keeps you warm but if the temp rises to the 50s, you won’t be hot in this thin sweater.

Sweater: Victoria's Secret Jeans: JC Penney Shoes: DSW (Envy Brand)

Sweater: Victoria’s Secret
Jeans: JC Penney
Shoes: DSW (Envy Brand)

My sister is such a great photographer!!

IMG_6619-001 If you aren’t a big sweater person, there are other options for layering up. Try a blazer or a jacket.

To those petite ladies out there, a slim fitting pant can make your legs look longer, just remember to get them hemmed. If you aren’t a fan of “skinny” jeans, try straight leg or trouser cuts. A slim boot cut is also a good look. The key to a good pair of jeans is the fit. Tight enough to lift your tush, loose enough to move around in.

Have a good week!!

Seven Fall Fashion Basics

Last time I discussed some wardrobe basics, as school starts and the weather cool, it is time to think, what about fall? I’m going to add to my 13 essentials from last time, with some fall favorites.

Hat with a leather blazer Hat: Northern Brights Leather Blazer: Wilson's Leather

Hat with a leather blazer
Hat: Northern Brights
Leather Blazer: Wilson’s Leather

1. Leather blazer or jacket. I love leather jackets. They can add either an edgy or very polished look to an outfit. Throw one on with jeans and a long-sleeve shirt and you are ready for a day out and about this fall.

2. BOOTS!!! One of my favorite styles of shoes is boots. Take advantage of the cooler fall weather by wearing flat boots, wedge boots or sky-high heeled boots. There are knee high, mid-calf and ankle boots along with “booties.” Enjoy all the options!

Trench with a colorful scarf Trench: JCPenney Scarf: Unknown (gift)

Trench with a colorful scarf
Trench: JCPenney
Scarf: Unknown (gift)

3. Trench coat. A trench coat is a great transition piece. You can wear them in spring and fall. They can help fend of the spring rains and the fall chill. Plus they look so classic!

4. Sweatshirt. You can either support your alma matter or your favorite brand with a warm and cozy sweatshirt. For those who think sweatshirts are too “scrubby,” there are some that have a nice trendy style, or you can find knit blazers that are comfortable like sweatshirts but have a little more flair.

5. Scarves. A great excessory to have. They can add a pop of color along with warmth. I have many differen’t types and colors. Try lighter-weight, thin ones in early fall and transition into your warmer ones as the fall turns to winter. I love the pasmena style scarves that are nice and wide and can be used as a wrap or a shawl as well.

6. Fleece vest or jacket. For a casual, cozy look throw on a fleece. They keep you warm and usually have pockets, always a bonus!

7. Tights. Transition into fall by wearing your favorite skirts and dresses with tights. I love dresses so in turn I have come to appreciate tights. I get to wear my fun dresses and not freeze by butt completly off.

So there are seven things to add to your basic wardrobe collection. This fall some hot patterns and colors include emerald green, merlot, houndstooth and leopard print. Look for fun hats and fall florals to be in the stores soon! Happy shopping!

New Hair Cut!

New Hair Cut!

P.S. Oh in other news, I cut four inches off my hair!!!

Five Shopping Tips for the Petite Lady


Shopping at the Mall of America.

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I am a rather small person. Being small and 26 isn’t always easy, I want to dress and look like an adult but finding clothes that fit can be tricky. Being an avid shopper I have found some ways to find success in my endeavors to find fun, fashionable clothes that are also age appropriate.

1. Be willing to alter. You have to be willing to see the potential in some clothes. Found a great pair of dress pants that fit but need to be hemmed or taken in a tiny bit? Go for it. On the flip side, if you have alter them so much that they won’t even look the like the same pants, then pass. If you don’t sew (which I fall into that category), find a great seamstress and become friends. You will probably see them often.

2. I have found a few retailers that carry lots in my size. Banana Republic, The Loft and New York and Company all have good sized petites sections that go down to small sizes. Many petite sections don’t size down to extra-small or smaller like these stores do. I know that Banana Republic and The Loft can get a little pricey but they have great sales and if you are buying staple classic pieces, it is okay to invest. Also stores that have small sizes in tops and dresses include Express, H&M. I also find things at the Limited in tops and find fun pieces at Forever 21.

3. Shop juniors. I know that juniors clothing isn’t always mature enough for the adult world but don’t be afraid to look. My tiny self fits into juniors the best. I have found many great buys in many juniors sections at JCPenny, Kohls and Macy’s. The trick is to look deeper than just a glance. On the surface you may only see the tennie-bopper apparel but if you dig a little deeper you can find some great dresses and other fun items. I also buy all my basics such as t-shirts, jeans, tank tops and shorts in the junior’s department.

4. Order online. Many stores do not carry petites in store. Shops like the Gap, Old Navy and others offer extended sizes online, usually with free return shipping if it doesn’t fit. So if you see something in store and the “regular” size doesn’t work, check online for the same thing in a petite. Look at the sizing instructions on each page to make sure you are ordering the correct size.

5. My final shopping tip is something I think everyone should do anyway but especially if you struggle finding the right size. Try it on! Take the extra 10 or 15 minutes and see if it fits. It is not fun to buy something, take it home, have it not fit and either take it back or it sits in you closet not being worn! What a waste of money!